Initially hired to maintain and re-design IBM BESTeam North America web site. Subsequent re-assignments have resulted in the successful completion of the following projects:
Page Organization and Page Layout of the North America BESTeam website. On-going.
Created various HTML documents from MS Word, LOTUS Ami Pro, LOTUS Word Pro, LOTUS Freelance Graphic files, LOTUS 1-2-3 files as well as Flat Text files. On-going.
Developed an Intranet Site to communicate department events, news and presentations. December, 1996.
Promoted from U.S. BESTeam to World Wide Partner Marketing while continuing to maintain previous responsibilities.
Trained a new contract employee on the IBM web guidelines as well as server (AIX) commands. Established guidelines for publishing content for North America BESTeam site to prevent work duplication. February, 1997
Successfully re-designed and updated the content of the Latin America BESTeam web site with a contractor in Boulder,CO. March, 1997
Completed a new design, which implemented notes database integration for Latin and North America BESTeam web sites. (Early Domino use) January, 1998
Re-designed the Software Partner Info Look and Feel. Software Partner Info is used by IBM business partners to gather leads and contacts. February, 1998
Attended IBM Ease of Use conference dealing with improving website design/structure to improve end user/customer experience.
Teamed with a contractor in Boulder, CO and a LOTUS team in Dallas to design a new Software Partner Program web site to combine all geographic sites under one Look and Feel. Program utilizes JAVA, JAVA Script, Domino (HTML) and LOTUS Script. Released January, 1999.
Re-designed the Global Systems Integrators web site to meet new IBM standards and guidelines. Worked with contacts in Canada via e-mail and phone. Re-design released June, 1999.
Other Computer Projects (college related)
Wrote simple Pascal programs for various University of Texas at Arlington businesses, i.e., bowling alley manager, pool table manager, volleyball scheduler and stat keeper, and a payroll management program for Residential Assistants.
Wrote various games in Pascal and Assembly utilizing high-resolution graphics.
Managed Newman Smith High School's Mac lab and LAN network. Responsibilities included repair and maintenance of all Mac's connected to the network. Served as the Help Desk source for the English Department.